Grand Rapids Chair Blog

Good Vibes and '80s Design: Inside Electric FeelGood

Written by Andrea Reynolds | 2/3/20 6:14 PM

We said it once, and we’ll say it again: the '80s are back and better than ever. Case in point: Electric FeelGood in Houston, Texas. Electric Feelgood is a restaurant/bar/dance club/hangout space that features two levels, a whopping 11000 square feet, and an '80s-inspired design that’s as fun as it is bold.

So, Why the '80s?

Reece barstools in Electric FeelGood. Photo via Chase Daniel Photography

In the beginning of this design, the '80s concept was merely a joke. However, lead interior designer of Electric Feelgood Stacy Whitworth knew there was more to it. “When that was said, I was not laughing. I thought it was perfect and exactly the vibe we needed because it incorporated the colors we wanted to use and the overall design aesthetic,” said Whitworth. So, they ran with it in hopes of creating an “edgy, fun, and totally unique” space for Houstonites to enjoy.

Whitworth is not alone. Daring designers and brands alike are using the '80s aesthetic in major to minor ways (think Sasha Biskoff’s 305 Fitness to the Roly Poly chair in corporate spaces) to enliven a project. And who can blame them? With a society and culture increasingly becoming more divisive, we’re naturally drawn to products and spaces that provide joy and happiness. Simply put, the '80s aesthetic is an ideal foil for creating feel-good spaces.

Color Craze

Reece barstools and curved, colorful seating in Electric FeelGood. Photo via Chase Daniel Photography

Much of that feel good mantra in Electric FeelGood derives from an unapologetically bold and playful color palette. “Color and the contrasting colors really make up most of the interest and drama in the space. Between the neon lights, the bright floor, the bold colored furniture, and the fun wallpaper, I’d say color really is the focus in the design of this bar,” noted Whitworth.

A palette of teal, yellow, and bright pink electrify the space. These bright colors are also perfect backdrop to the multiple social activities available at Electric FeelGood (which include and are not limited to an outdoor oasis, game room, dance club, and an adult-size slide).

Leo chairs and curved, colorful seating in Electric FeelGood. Photo via Chase Daniel Photography

Whitworth also incorporated color onto the furniture. While we’re partial to custom yellow Reece barstools, it’s hard to miss pink and speckled rounded sofas paired with equally fun Leo chairs. The playful and curved designs are a nod to iconic '80s furniture yet feel on-trend and contemporary.

Other '80s artifacts-turned-Instagram-moments include the enormous neon signs. In fact, a 40-foot Lite Brite replica that spells out “Electric FeelGood” sits above the dining area. A labor of love, the lighting piece was built with 1600 clear acrylic pegs lit in color changing LED lights. It also happens to be Whitworth’s favorite detail in the space.

Reece barstools underneath a huge, Lite Brite sign in Electric FeelGood. Photo via Chase Daniel Photography

Part of Whitworths design’s philosophy is centered around emotion. She always asks her clients,“’What do you want to feel when you walk in space?” With bright colors, funky furniture, multiple hangout spaces, and an unapologetically bold design that hearkens back to a time of fun, is it possible to feel anything but good when you walk into this space? We think not.

For more '80s design inspo, be sure to check out our Look Book Vol. 5 for an entire spread dedicated to this totally rad decade.